Animal Artistrys WANTED

Looking for anything special? Put in an ad for it! You can also check if anyone is selling one; AAs for sale! To put in an ad for AAs wanted, send the information (preferably fairly short) to Anne-Li Mell, I will put in the ad as soon as I can, but please remember that I can't update every day. Please also let me know when I can remove the ad. You have to be a member of the AAML in order to put in an ad.

Wanted: AAA SR Opening Day
Alchemy Ceramics Warmblood in light dapple grey. No chips, breaks or any repairs. Let me know if you have one for sale or now somebody who does. Thank you very much, Andrea,

WANTED: AA SE mini Andalusian.
Anne-Li Mell,

Missing an AAA mini?
I might have accidentally picked up an extra AAA mini, thinking it mine. It might have been at Greater Pitt, NOMHS, the PA Classic or even Mudfest or RXR last year. If you are missing an AAA mini, e-mail me privatly with the mold and color, which show you were at and (if possible) the model's number. Dorothy Jacobs

Hi, I'm looking for a mini Friesian mare,preferably painted,I will trade some models or tack for one as well as making a payment for her.Let me know what you would like for her,I am desperate for one! Thanks,Sian. My email is

Hi! I'm looking for painted AA mini resins of Lippizaner (darker dapple grey), Hairy Hunter (grey or bay), Rearing Shire, AAA Warrmblood (Alchemy Opening Day SR model preferred) ASB mare (non-pinto; dark chestnut/flaxen preferred) and Dartmoor Stallion. Please send info to

I want a mini Friesian Mare and would love a painted one. I'm also interested in a Haflinger.
Sabine Huth,

Hi, I am looking for the AAA (china) mini black and white pinto friesian mare, and I would also like an AAA (china) mini Fjord, both LSQ. Please send info to thank you

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