Animal Artistry Alchemy '05 BOYC SR

The 21st of April 2005 Donna announced the 2005 BOYC SR; the AAA Rearing Arab in a white unicorn claybody custom with golden horn and hooves. This was the last of the BOYC SRs. It was also the first release of the AAA Rearing Arab. Each one has the horn individually added by Donna. People going to the show and members of the AACC could order this SR up until Midnight of May 1st. Donna forgot to change the ears on three unicorns meant to be BOYC SRs; these three were painted (one white like the rest of the run, one in black leopard and one in grulla) and sold separately from the run. 24 cast so far *.


owned by Ellinor E. Karlström

Gloria in Excelsis Deo

owned by Anne-Li Mell

picture from Donna

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